Actividades curso 2023/2024
The English department is working on Christmas cards that we have sent between students and the «La Milagrosa» nursing home.

Today in the subject of Physical Education, we have talked about different athletes. References for us for their efforts.

Suma has collaborated with Technology department, helping students to make instruments with recycled materials.

Suma has worked Halloween’s aspects with our students. We have learnt a lot new things about that irish tradition.

Actividades curso 2021/2022
Students from class 1C from the Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar, creating a dialogue in English while finding and understanding the importance of math in everyday life.
Los alumnos de 1º C del Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar realizan un diálogo en inglés en la asignatura de matemáticas para mostrar su importancia en la vida cotidiana.
Students presenting a dialogue about the importance of math in everyday life or occupations. These students decided to be bank robbers.
Los alumnos recrean una profesión o situación de la vida cotidiana donde es necesaria el uso de las matemáticas. En 1ºC , estos alumnos simularon ser ladrones de bancos.
Students from 1B in Cercadillos dancing to music, including the English version of Waka Waka by Shakira.
Los alumnos de 1ºB de Cercadillos bailan en la clase de música canciones como Waka Waka de Shakira.
In Biology, the students of 1A work diligently on a group project to understand a creature, its properties, and create a 3D model of either a plant or animal cell.
En Biología , los alumnos de 1º A Cercadillos realizan proyectos grupales sobre las propiedades de las plantas o células animales.